



Donald Trump was, arguably, the most egotistical, arrogant so and so to ever sit as president of the US.

There were a few others, like John, Abe, and Teddy, but history has tamed their legacy.


Trump lacked compassion and sympathy.

Although he was overly sensitive  to criticism, he was openly critical of others.

He was a self-centered  pragmatist.


He was uncontrolled and noncompliant. He did things his way.

He was often, boldly, busy doing his work, instead of the work favored by half the nation.


He praised the art of negotiation, but did not compromise.

He was terrible to work for, and micromanaged almost everything and everybody.


He was unprepared, apolitical, and unconnected.

He had to scrounge for appointees, and still made errors.


He was called, almost, every castigating word in the book and blamed for things that were not of his doing.


He drew hate and betrayal. He had few friends, some enemies, but many followers.

He reveled in retaliation and denunciation.


He was assertive and pragmatic.

He said and did things that were offensive, disruptive and obnoxious.


So what did he accomplish for


'We The People' ?


Now please watch the one minute video.


Not a word is spoken but it speaks volumes!